Immersive VR for numerical engagement

Soomin Kim,Wookjae Maeng, Cindy Oh, Joonmin Lee,Seo-young Lee,Jeewon Choi, Gil Whan Hwang,Guhyun Hwang,Hyunsung Kim, Joonseok Kim,Joonhwan Lee


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In this article, we aim to offer audiences opportunities to have an immersive experience with the statistical figures in the news. We go beyond the current numerical information representation method to develop a new system for improving the numerical experience. We implemented three different conditions for representing numerical information: 1) text, 2) infographic, 3) VR. We will observe user responses to these methods by measuring engagement, immersion and flow status to detect narrative experience. It is assumed that the VR narrative will provide a more immersive user experience. The main purpose of journalism is to deliver information that is necessary for citizens, communities, and societies to make better decisions. Statistical data is one of the essential elements to comprehend the information about themselves, the community, and society. Since the number is the core element of the statistics, our research will propose the new method to achieve the purpose of the journalism by transforming numbers into life-sized materials.
Numeracy, numerical information, engagement strategies
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