Autophagy and innate immunity: Insights from invertebrate model organisms.


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Macroautophagy/autophagy is a fundamental intracellular degradation process with multiple roles in immunity, including direct elimination of intracellular microorganisms via xenophagy.' In this review, we summarize studies from the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that highlight the roles of autophagy in innate immune responses to viral, bacterial, and fungal pathogens. Research from these genetically tractable invertebrates has uncovered several conserved immunological paradigms, such as direct targeting of intracellular pathogens by xenophagy and regulation of autophagy by pattern recognition receptors in D. melanogaster. Although C. elegans has no known pattern recognition receptors, this organism has been particularly useful in understanding many aspects of innate immunity. Indeed, work in C. elegans was the first to show xenophagic targeting of microsporidia, a fungal pathogen that infects all animals, and to identify TFEB/HLH-30, a helix-loop-helix transcription factor, as an evolutionarily conserved regulator of autophagy gene expression and host tolerance. Studies in C. elegans have also highlighted the more recently appreciated relationship between autophagy and tolerance to extracellular pathogens. Studies of simple, short-lived invertebrates such as flies and worms will continue to provide valuable insights into the molecular mechanisms by which autophagy and immunity pathways intersect and their contribution to organismal survival.
autophagy,C. elegans,D. melanogaster,epithelial immunity,infection,extracellular pathogens,innate immunity,pattern recognition receptors,xenophagy
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