Parallelizing Skip Lists for In-Memory Multi-Core Database Systems

2017 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE)(2017)

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Due to the coarse granularity of data accesses and the heavy use of latches, indices in the B-tree family are not efficient for in-memory databases, especially in the context of today's multi-core architecture. In this paper, we study the parallelizability of skip lists for the parallel and concurrent environment, and present PSL, a Parallel in-memory Skip List that lends itself naturally to the multi-core environment, particularly with non-uniform memory access. For each query, PSL traverses the index in a Breadth-First-Search (BFS) to find the list node with the matching key, and exploits SIMD processing to speed up this process. Furthermore, PSL distributes incoming queries among multiple execution threads disjointly and uniformly to eliminate the use of latches and achieve a high parallelizability. The experimental results show that PSL is comparable to a readonly index, FAST, in terms of read performance, and outperforms ART and Masstree respectively by up to 30% and 5x for a variety of workloads.
in-memory multicore database systems,multicore architecture,PSL,parallel in-memory skip list,breadth-first-search,SIMD processing,B-tree family
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