Supporting software developers with a holistic recommender system.


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The promise of recommender systems is to provide intelligent support to developers during their programming tasks. Such support ranges from suggesting program entities to taking into account pertinent Q&A pages. However, current recommender systems limit the context analysis to change history and developers' activities in the IDE, without considering what a developer has already consulted or perused, e.g., by performing searches from the Web browser. Given the faceted nature of many programming tasks, and the incompleteness of the information provided by a single artifact, several heterogeneous resources are required to obtain the broader picture needed by a developer to accomplish a task. We present Libra, a holistic recommender system. It supports the process of searching and navigating the information needed by constructing a holistic meta-information model of the resources perused by a developer, analyzing their semantic relationships, and augmenting the web browser with a dedicated interactive navigation chart. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Libra provides evidence that a holistic analysis of a developer's information context can indeed offer comprehensive and contextualized support to information navigation and retrieval during software development.
Mining unstructured data, Recommender systems
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