Association of General and Abdominal Obesity With Hypertension, Dyslipidemia and Prediabetes in the PREDAPS Study.

F. Javier Sangros,Jesus Torrecilla,Carolina Giraldez-Garcia, Lourdes Carrillo,Jose Mancera,Teresa Mur,Josep Franch,Javier Diez,Albert Goday,Rosario Serrano,F. Javier Garcia-Soidan,Gabriel Cuatrecasas, Dimas Igual,Ana Moreno, J. Manuel Millaruelo, Francisco Carraminana,Manuel Antonio Ruiz, Francisco Carlos Perez, Yon Iriarte, Angela Lorenzo,Maria Gonzalez,Beatriz Alvarez, Lourdes Barutell, M. Soledad Mayayo, Mercedes Del Castillo, Emma Navarro, Fernando Malo, Ainhoa Cambra, Riansares Lopez,M. Angel Gutierrez, Luisa Gutierrez, Carmen Boente, J. Javier Mediavilla,Luis Prieto,Luis Mendo,M. Jose Mansilla,Francisco Javier Ortega, Antonia Borras, L. Gabriel Sanchez, J. Carlos Obaya,Margarita Alonso,Francisco Garcia, Angela Trinidad Gutierrez,Ana M. Hernandez, Dulce Suarez,J. Carlos Alvarez, Isabel Saenz,F. Javier Martinez, Ana Casorran, Jazmin Ripoll,Alejandro Salanova,M. Teresa Marin, Felix Gutierrez, Jaime Innerarity, M. Del Mar Alvarez,Sara Artola, M. Jesus Bedoya, Santiago Poveda, Fernando Alvarez, M. Jesus Brito,Rosario Iglesias, Francisca Paniagua, Pedro Nogales, Angel Gomez, Jose Felix Rubio,M. Carmen Duran, Julio Sagredo,M. Teresa Gijon, M. Angeles Rollan, Pedro P. Perez, Javier Gamarra, Francisco Carbonell, Luis Garcia-Giralda, J. Joaquin Anton, Manuel De La Flor,Rosario Martinez,Jose Luis Pardo,Antonio Ruiz, Raquel Plana,Ramon Macia, Merce Villaro, Carmen Babace, Jose Luis Torres, Concepcion Blanco, Angeles Jurado,Jose Luis Martin,Jorge Navarro, Gloria Sanz,Rafael Colas, Blanca Cordero,Cristina De Castro,Mercedes Ibanez,Alicia Monzon,Nuria Porta,Maria Del Carmen Gomez, Rafael Llanes, J. Jose Rodriguez, Esteban Granero,Manuel Sanchez,Juan Martinez, Patxi Ezkurra,Luis Avila, Carlos De La Sen,Antonio Rodriguez, Pilar Buil,Paula Gabriel, Pilar Roura, Eduard Tarrago,Xavier Mundet, Remei Bosch, J. Caries Gonzalez, M. Isabel Bobe,Manel Mata,Irene Ruiz,Flora Lopez, Marti Birules, Oriol Armengol, Rosa Mar De Miguel, Laura Romera, Belen Benito, Neus Piulats, Beatriz Bilbeny,J. Jose Cabre,Xavier Cos,Ramon Pujol, Mateu Segui, Carmen Losada, A. Maria De Santiago,Pedro Munoz,Enrique Regidor

Revista espanola de cardiologia (English ed.)(2018)

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INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES:Some anthropometric measurements show a greater capacity than others to identify the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. This study estimated the magnitude of the association of different anthropometric indicators of obesity with hypertension, dyslipidemia, and prediabetes (altered fasting plasma glucose and/or glycosylated hemoglobin). METHODS:Cross-sectional analysis of information collected from 2022 participants in the PREDAPS study (baseline phase). General obesity was defined as body mass index ≥ 30kg/m2 and abdominal obesity was defined with 2 criteria: a) waist circumference (WC) ≥ 102cm in men/WC ≥ 88cm in women, and b) waist-height ratio (WHtR) ≥ 0.55. The magnitude of the association was estimated by logistic regression. RESULTS:Hypertension showed the strongest association with general obesity in women (OR, 3.01; 95%CI, 2.24-4.04) and with abdominal obesity based on the WHtR criterion in men (OR, 3.65; 95%CI, 2.66-5.01). Hypertriglyceridemia and low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol showed the strongest association with abdominal obesity based on the WHtR criterion in women (OR, 2.49; 95%CI, 1.68-3.67 and OR, 2.70; 95%CI, 1.89-3.86) and with general obesity in men (OR, 2.06; 95%CI, 1.56-2.73 and OR, 1.68; 95%CI, 1.21-2.33). Prediabetes showed the strongest association with abdominal obesity based on the WHtR criterion in women (OR, 2.48; 95%CI, 1.85-3.33) and with abdominal obesity based on the WC criterion in men (OR, 2.33; 95%CI, 1.75-3.08). CONCLUSIONS:Abdominal obesity indicators showed the strongest association with the presence of prediabetes. The association of anthropometric indicators with hypertension and dyslipidemia showed heterogeneous results.
Obesity,Abdominal obesity,Anthropometric measurements,Hypertension,Disorder of lipid metabolism,Prediabetes
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