Workshop on mobile healthcare for the self-management of chronic diseases and the empowerment of patients

MobileHCI Adjunct(2016)

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The wave of digital health is continuously growing and promises to transform the experience of patients, redefining their role as empowered actors of the healthcare processes rather than passive receivers of medical help. Mobile technologies are a fundamental component of this transformation since they have provided a platform for the development of novel solutions, allowing a gradual shift of healthcare closer to the patients' daily living and away from the traditional clinical environment. Chronic diseases are in the center of these developments as they require the continuous and active involvement of not only healthcare professionals but also patients both of who can be empowered through the use of specialized mobile applications and the analysis of data from modern miniaturized and wearable sensing devices. Furthermore, the communication channels introduced by mobile technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of the healthcare system and facilitate the communication between patients and healthcare professionals. The current workshop invites researchers from the fields of Information Technologies and Medical Sciences as well as healthcare professionals and technology developers to demonstrate and discuss innovative approaches related to the utilization of mobile Human Computer Interaction approaches in the modern healthcare environment.
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