BDNF levels are increased in peripheral blood of middle-aged amateur runners with no changes on histone H4 acetylation levels

Fernanda Peres da Silveira,Carla Basso,Wagner Raupp, Morgana Dalpiaz,Karine Bertoldi,Ionara Rodrigues Siqueira,Pedro Dal Lago, Maristela Padilha de Souza,Viviane Rostirola Elsner

The journal of physiological sciences : JPS(2016)

引用 17|浏览21
Our aim was to compare the basal levels of plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and global histone H4 acetylation in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of healthy amateur runners (EXE group) with sedentary individuals (SED group) as well as to investigate the acute effect of a running race on these markers in the EXE group. Five days before the race, all participants were submitted to a basal blood collection. On the race day, two blood samples were collected in the EXE group before the running started and immediately at the end. In the basal period, a significant increase of plasma BDNF levels in the EXE individuals when compared to the SED group ( p = 0.036) was demonstrated, while no difference in global histone H4 acetylation levels was observed. These parameters were unaltered in the EXE group after the race. The increased levels of BDNF might be linked to healthy middle-aged runners’ phenotype.
Adult men,Epigenetic,Exercise,Neurotrophins,Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs),Plasma
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