Affective disorders during pregnancy : Therapy with antidepressants and mood stabilizers]

N Bergemann, W E Paulus


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It is not rare that the first manifestation or relapse of an affective disorder occurs during pregnancy. Should a pharmacological treatment be indicated, the selection of a suitable substance should be made on a basis which is as safe as possible. Even when treating women of childbearing age it should be assured that the psychotropic drug selected is safe to use during pregnancy as a high percentage of pregnancies are unplanned. When assessing the risks and benefits of psychopharmacotherapy in women who are or wish to get pregnant, not only the exposure of the child to potentially teratogenic drug effects but also potential complications during or after pregnancy and long-term neuropsychological issues need to be addressed. This article provides an overview of the currently available literature on the use of antidepressants and mood stabilizers during pregnancy. A growing body of increasingly reliable data for many antidepressants and mood stabilizers are available, which allow a good prediction of their suitability for use during pregnancy and lactation. When treating affective disorders during pregnancy an individual assessment of the benefits and risks for mother and child is required. The benefit of an appropriate treatment for the mother by including medication which may be potentially harmful to the child versus the risk of an insufficient treatment for the mother by excluding medication which may be potentially harmful to both the mother and the child need to be weighed up. When a suitable psychopharmacotherapy during pregnancy has been selected, the risk for mother and child can be minimized by incorporation of therapeutic drug monitoring.
Neurocognitive disorders,Psychopharmaceuticals,Review,Risk-benefit assessment,Transplacental exposure
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