Gathering Additional Feedback On Search Results By Multi-Armed Bandits With Respect To Production Ranking

WWW '15: 24th International World Wide Web Conference Florence Italy May, 2015(2015)

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Given a repeatedly issued query and a document with a not-yet-confirmed potential to satisfy the users' needs, a search system should place this document on a high position in order to gather user feedback and obtain a more confident estimate of the document utility. On the other hand, the main objective of the search system is to maximize expected user satisfaction over a rather long period, what requires showing more relevant documents on average. The state-of-the-art approaches to solving this exploration-exploitation dilemma rely on strongly simplified settings making these approaches infeasible in practice. We improve the most flexible and pragmatic of them to handle some actual practical issues. The first one is utilizing prior information about queries and documents, the second is combining bandit-based learning approaches with a default production ranking algorithm. We show experimentally that our framework enables to significantly improve the ranking of a leading commercial search engine.
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