Euskahaldun: Euskararen Aldeko Martxa Baten Sare Sozialetako Islaren Bilketa eta Analisia


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This work is motivated by the dearth of research that deals with social media content created from the Basque Country or written in Basque language. While social fingerprints during events have been analysed in numerous other locations and languages, this article aims to fill this gap so as to initiate a much-needed research area within the Basque scientific community. To this end, we describe the methodology we followed to collect tweets posted during the quintessential exhibition race in support of the Basque language. We also present the results of the analysis of these tweets. Our analysis shows that the most eventful moments lead to spikes in tweeting activity, producing more tweets. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of having an official account for the event in question, which helps improve the visibility of the event in the social network as well as the dissemination of information to the Basque community. Along with the official account, journalists and news organisations play a crucial role in the diffusion of information.
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