Need for radiation safety education for interventional cardiology staff, especially nurses.

Acta cardiologica(2016)

引用 19|浏览11
Objective Cardiac interventional radiology (IR) can cause radiation injury to the staff who administer it as well as to patients. Although education in the basic principles of radiation is required for nurses, their level of radiation safety knowledge is not known. The present study used a questionnaire protocol to assess the level of radiation safety knowledge among hospital nurses.Methods and results A questionnaire to assess the level of training and current understanding of radiation safety was administered to 305 nurses in 2008 and again to 359 nurses in 2010. Our study indicates that nurses had insufficient knowledge about radiation safety, and that a high percentage of nurses were concerned about the health hazards of radiation. Moreover, more than 80% of the nurses expressed an interest in attending periodic radiation safety seminars. Annual radiation protection training for hospital staff (including nurses) is important.Conclusions Our results suggest that nurses do not have sufficient knowledge ...
Fluoroscopically guided procedures,nurse,patient radiation exposure,questionnaire,radiation protection,radiation safety
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