Personality, Attentional Biases Towards Emotional Faces And Symptoms Of Mental Disorders In An Adolescent Sample

Maeve Olearybarrett,Robert O Pihl,Eric Artiges,Tobias Banaschewski,Arun L W Bokde,Christian Buchel,Herta Flor,Vincent Frouin,Hugh Garavan,A Heinz,Bernd Ittermann,Karl Mann,M L Pailleremartinot,Frauke Nees,Tomas Paus,Zdenka Pausova,Luise Poustka,Marcella Rietschel,Trevor W Robbins,Michael N Smolka,Andreas Strohle,Gunter Schumann,Patricia J Conrod,Laurence J Reed, S M Williams,Anbarasu Lourdusamy,Sergi G Costafreda,Anna Cattrell,Charlotte Nymberg,Lauren Topper,L P Smith, S Havatzias,K Stueber, C Mallik,Tonikim Clarke,David Stacey, Cybele Wong, H Werts, C Andrew,Sylvane Desrivieres,S Zewdie, I Hake, N P Ivanov,Amar J S Klar, J E Reuter, C Palafox, C L Hohmann, C Schilling, K Ludemann, A Romanowski,Eric W Wolff,Michael A Rapp,Rudiger Bruhl,A Ihlenfeld,Bernadeta Walaszek,Florian Schubert,Colm G Connolly,J K N Jones,Edmund C Lalor, E Mccabe, A Ni Shiothchai,Rainer Spanagel,Fernando Leonardiessmann,Wolfgang H Sommer, S Vollstaedtklein, S Steiner,Mira Fauthbuehler, S Vollstedtklein, E Stolzenburg, Christine Schmal,Frederike Schirmbeck,Penny A Gowland,Nadja Heym, Craig Lawrence, C M Newman, T Huebner,Stephan Ripke,Eva Mennigen,K Muller, V Ziesch,Uli Bromberg, T Fadai, L Lueken,Juliana Yacubian, Jurgen Finsterbusch, J L Martinot,N Bordas,S De Bournonville, Z Bricaud, F Gollier Briand,Herve Lemaitre, J Massicotte, R M Miranda,Jani Penttila, A Barbot,Yannick Schwartz, C Lalanne,Benjamin Thyreau,Jeffrey W Dalley,Adam C Mar,Naresh Subramaniam,David E H Theobald, N Richmond, M De Rover, A Molander, Emily R Jordan,Emma S J Robinson, L Hipolata, M Moreno,Mercedes Arroyo,David N Stephens,Tamzin L Ripley,Hans S Crombag, Y T Pena,Diana Zelenika,Simon Heath,Dirk Lanzerath,Bert Heinrichs, T Spranger, Barry D Fuchs,C Speiser,Franz Resch,Johann Haffner,Peter Parzer,Romuald Brunner, A Klaassen, I Klaassen, P Constant, X Mignon, T Thomsen, Stefan Zysset, A Vestboe,Jane L Ireland, J Rogers

PLOS ONE(2015)

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ObjectiveTo investigate the role of personality factors and attentional biases towards emotional faces, in establishing concurrent and prospective risk for mental disorder diagnosis in adolescence.MethodData were obtained as part of the IMAGEN study, conducted across 8 European sites, with a community sample of 2257 adolescents. At 14 years, participants completed an emotional variant of the dot-probe task, as well two personality measures, namely the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale and the revised NEO Personality Inventory. At 14 and 16 years, participants and their parents were interviewed to determine symptoms of mental disorders.ResultsPersonality traits were general and specific risk indicators for mental disorders at 14 years. Increased specificity was obtained when investigating the likelihood of mental disorders over a 2-year period, with the Substance Use Risk Profile Scale showing incremental validity over the NEO Personality Inventory. Attentional biases to emotional faces did not characterise or predict mental disorders examined in the current sample.DiscussionPersonality traits can indicate concurrent and prospective risk for mental disorders in a community youth sample, and identify at-risk youth beyond the impact of baseline symptoms. This study does not support the hypothesis that attentional biases mediate the relationship between personality and psychopathology in a community sample. Task and sample characteristics that contribute to differing results among studies are discussed.
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