Connaissances des médecins généralistes et des pharmaciens d’officine en matière de dopage sportif

S Delaunay,P Rochcongar, G Bourges, L Vernhet, V Daniel, A M Andre

Science & Sports(2014)

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Objectives. - Assess knowledge about doping of French general practitioners and retail pharmacists. Population and methods. - Two descriptive studies have been conducted using anonymous questionnaire, first with 280 retail pharmacists in 2006, then with 992 general practitioners in 2009. Results. - They consider that most of records were broken due to doping and the most of champions resort to doping. According to them, the sports most involved by doping are cycling, track and runners, football, weightlifting and swimming. They have limited knowledge about the list of banned products. According to them, athletes' family, team members and Internet are the main sources of doping drugs. Only 42% of general practitioners and 35% of pharmacists think informing their sport patients about prohibited substances, resulting in a positive drugs test. We note that 51.5% of the general practitioners do not know therapeutic use exemptions and 90% unaware the doping prevention medical units. Most of the general practitioners and pharmacists mention not having had specific classes on doping during their university studies and consider to be poorly informed. Conclusion. - General practitioners and pharmacists have limited knowledge about doping. So, it seems to be difficult for them to perform their missions in the fight against doping and to be aware of their responsibilities. (C) 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Dopage,Pharmacien,Médecin généraliste,Sport
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