Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency syndrome: clinical description in a French cohort.

N Lavoine, C Colas,M Muleris,S Bodo, A Duval, N Entz-Werle,F Coulet, O Cabaret,F Andreiuolo, C Charpy, G Sebille, Q Wang,S Lejeune,M P Buisine,D Leroux,G Couillault,G Leverger, J P Fricker,R Guimbaud, M Mathieu-Dramard,G Jedraszak, O Cohen-Hagenauer, L Guerrini-Rousseau, F Bourdeaut,J Grill,O Caron, S Baert-Dusermont,J Tinat,G Bougeard,T Frébourg,L Brugières


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BACKGROUND:Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency (CMMRD) syndrome is a childhood cancer predisposition syndrome involving biallelic germline mutations of MMR genes, poorly recognised by clinicians so far. METHODS:Retrospective review of all 31 patients with CMMRD diagnosed in French genetics laboratories in order to describe the characteristics, treatment and outcome of the malignancies and biological diagnostic data. RESULTS:67 tumours were diagnosed in 31 patients, 25 (37%) Lynch syndrome-associated malignancies, 22 (33%) brain tumours, 17 (25%) haematological malignancies and 3 (5%) sarcomas. The median age of onset of the first tumour was 6.9 years (1.2-33.5). Overall, 22 patients died, 9 (41%) due to the primary tumour. Median survival after the diagnosis of the primary tumour was 27 months (0.26-213.2). Failure rate seemed to be higher than expected especially for T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (progression/relapse in 6/12 patients). A familial history of Lynch syndrome was identified in 6/23 families, and consanguinity in 9/23 families. PMS2 mutations (n=18) were more frequent than other mutations (MSH6 (n=6), MLH1 (n=4) and MSH2 (n=3)). CONCLUSIONS:In conclusion, this unselected series of patients confirms the extreme severity of this syndrome with a high mortality rate mostly related to multiple childhood cancers, and highlights the need for its early detection in order to adapt treatment and surveillance.
CMMRD,MMR,genetic predisposition,childhood cancer,multiple cancer
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