Assessment and Treatment of Cardiometabolic Risk in Adults at Risk for or with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Canadian Journal of Diabetes(2012)

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Cardiometabolic risk (CMR) refers to the collective consideration of traditional and emerging risk factors that amplify the potential of developing atherogenic cardiovascular disease, as well as the emergence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Cumulative data suggest that the metabolic syndrome confers a 5-fold increase in risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus and also increases the cardiovascular risk calculated by conventional algorithms by an additional 1.5- to 2.0-fold. This article is a summary of the recently published position article on cardiometabolic risk by the nationally represented inter-disciplinary Cardiometabolic Risk Working Group (Can J Cardiol. 2011;27:e1–e33). The objective of this article is to review what the emerging risk factors are, how to determine if individuals at risk for or with type 2 diabetes mellitus have elevated CMR and the steps that should be taken to optimally manage and reduce CMR in these patients.
cardiometabolic risk,type 2 diabetes mellitus
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