Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions in a brazilian military police population.

Viviani-Silva Araújo,Eliane-Lopes Godinho,Lucyana-Conceição Farias,Luciano Marques-Silva, Sérgio-Henrique-Sousa Santos, João-Felício Rodrigues-Neto,Raquel-Conceição Ferreira,Alfredo-Maurício-Batista De-Paula, Andréa-Maria-Eleutério-de Barros-Lima Martins,André-Luiz Sena-Guimarães

Journal of clinical and experimental dentistry(2015)

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BACKGROUND:Data obtained from oral health surveys are very important for identifying disease-susceptible groups and for developing dental care and prevention programs. So, the purpose of the current article was to investigate the prevalence of oral mucosa lesions (OMLs) in a population of Brazilian police. MATERIAL AND METHODS:Interviews and oral cavity examinations were performed on a sample of 395 police officers who were randomly selected by the calibrated researcher. The number of individuals was obtained by a sample calculation using the finite population correction. The diagnostic criteria were based on the WHO (1997) criteria and adapted to Brazilian surveys. RESULTS:In total, 8.61% of the population presented some OML. Traumatic injuries and benign migratory glossitis (BMG) were the most prevalent lesions. CONCLUSIONS:The prevalence of potentially malignant disorders was lower than among the Brazilian population.The most prevalent lesion among the police officers was related to trauma. Patients dissatisfied with oral health had a higher risk of presenting OMLs. Key words:Mouth disease, mouth mucosa, military personnel, public health, oral pathology, oral leukoplakia.
oral mucosal lesions,prevalence
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