Results from radiating divertor experiments with RMP ELM suppression and mitigation


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The range in density and collisionality for which resonant magnetic perturbations (RMPs) are effective in suppressing edge-localized modes (ELMs) in the presence of a radiating divertor was found to be modest for representative H-mode plasmas in DIII-D. When deuterium and argon gas injection rates were increased during RMP, both the electron collisionality in the pedestal (nu*(e)) and the maximum electron pressure gradient (del P(e,MAX)) in the pedestal also increased. As del P(e,MAX) approached values consistent with the peeling-ballooning stability limit, as determined by edge stability analysis, ELMing activity re-emerged. For cases with the same injected neutral beam power, argon accumulation in the main plasma was greater in the RMP ELM-suppressed cases than in comparable non-RMP ELMing H-mode cases. Reductions in the core concentration of injected argon were observed for both RMP and non-RMP H-mode cases when their respective deuterium injection rates were increased. Although complete ELM suppression in RMP radiating divertor plasmas in DIII-D was only accessible over a limited range in pedestal density and collisionality, significant ELM mitigation with heat flux reduction was possible over a wider range. Comparing RMP radiating divertor discharges after the re-appearance of ELMing activity during gas puffing with a standard ELMing plasma for cases with the same pedestal density reveals that the RMP discharges have (1) lower average electron temperature at the midplane separatrix, implying lower average electron temperature at the divertor target, (2) lower time-averaged peak heat flux and (3) lower transient peak heat flux from ELMs even at the same pedestal collisionality.
heat flux,stability analysis,pressure gradient,electron temperature
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