Psychotherapy of Borderline Personality Disorder: Can the Supply Meet the Demand? A German Nationwide Survey in DBT Inpatient and Day Clinic Treatment Facilities

Community mental health journal(2015)

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The present study aimed to assess (1) the amount of inpatient and day clinic DBT treatment places for patients with borderline personality disorder and (2) the relationship between supply and demand in a given study region. Survey of inpatient and day clinic facilities in the German DBT network. 42 inpatient units and day clinics responded, representing 75 % of the DBT network members contacted. These institutions offer 527 DBT treatment places and treat about 2310 patients per year. The mean waiting period prior to treatment was 14.3 weeks. 700 DBT inpatient or day clinic places exist in Germany in 2011. 3000 patients receive DBT inpatient or day clinic treatment per year. This approximates a ratio of 820 borderline patients for one existing DBT inpatient or day clinic place in Germany. The long waiting time reflects the great demand for this treatment and could be interpreted as an imbalance between supply and demand.
Borderline personality disorder,Inpatient hospital,Day hospital,Mental health care,Psychotherapy,DBT
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