Agrobiodiversity in Mesoamerica–from genes to landscapes starting points, strategies and stakeholders for making agrobiodiversity more relevant to the future of Mesoamerica.

A D Neto, R X Correa,W R Monteiro, F A Gaiotto,U V Lopes, A Vegas, Jhansley Ferreira Da Mata, S Colina, Gisela Zerquera Trujillo, R Fuguet, L Verdu, C Garboza, G Fermin, Dager M Leal F, G C D Eeckenbrugge, G E Montoya Ortiz, M A Cristancho Ardila, M P Moncada Botero, P Lacasse, K Stelwagen, W L Hurley, G Simm,Francois Rousset, E A Favret, E J Gardner, J Morera, Andrew G Fraser, L E Mettler, T G Gregg, H E Schaffer, J Jovel, P Ramirez, N Barish, Juan Mauricio Ferre,Baltasar Escriche, Elena Monte, I Grondona, Francisco Gonzalez, Antonio Llobell,I Garcia Acha,Adrian M Srb, Russell D Owen, R S Edgar,J D Watson, E W Sinnott,L C Dunn,Th Dobzhansky,K E Cockshull,D Gray, Graham B Seymour,Beena Elizabeth Thomas, Eds, I M Lerner,Shigeaki Ohno, F A Saez, Hugo F V Cardoso,Karl Drlica, W Klug, M R Cummings, Stephen B Brush,P Balbas, F Bolivar Zapata, Gerrit Kahl, P J Lea,Richard C Leegood, J C Rosas,J A Castro,Paul W Skroch,J Nienhuis,Jo Handelsman, R M Goodman,D H Boshier,Lamb A T Boshier D H,A T Lamb, F Saborio, Maurice M Moloney, Thorpe T A Bertsch F, W Badilla, J Garcia, John P Kelly, L Afanador,Sheean T Haley,Phillip N Miklas,Gottfried Brem,Bertram Brenig, M Muller, K Springmann,Jay Prakash Jain, V T Prabhakaran, B Hagglund,Glen H Erikson, Gene Namkoong,C A Moran Val,Pamela J Russell, R Prescott Allen, Prescott Allen C, D Marini, Inmaculada De La Vega, L Maggioni


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