Usk Map Area ( NTS 103 I / 09 ) , Near Terrace , British Columbia : Cross-Sections and Volcanic Facies Interpretation

By T. Barresi, J. L. Nelson


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In the sum mer of 2005, one ge ol o gist and three ge ol ogy stu dents work ing for the Brit ish Co lum bia Geo log i cal Sur vey, along with three Kitselas First Na tion re source tech ni cians, sur veyed the Usk map area, near Ter race, BC (Fig. 1). A ma jor ob jec tive of the pro ject was to iden tify sub di vi sions within the Telkwa For ma tion, a unit that had pre vi ously been un di vided in the Ter race area. This ar ti cle pres ents four cross-sec tions of the map area (Fig. 2); it is a com pan ion ar ti cle to Nel son et al. (2006), where a full ex am i na tion of the phys i cal fea tures and ex plo ra tion po ten tial of the Usk map area is pre sented. This pa per high lights the de tails of the newly dis tin guished units within the Telkwa, as well as their strati graphic, (paleo)geo graphic and struc tural re la tion ships to one an other and to lo cal in tru sive and older Tri as sic and Pa leo zoic units. Spe cial em pha sis is placed on vari a tions in vol ca nic fa cies that oc cur be tween and within the di vi sions of the Telkwa For ma tion. Twenty sam ples have been col lected along these transects for whole-rock ma jor, trace and iso tope geo chem i cal anal y ses. These will be in cor po rated into a Ph.D. the sis cur rently in prog ress by the se nior au thor at Dalhousie Uni ver sity.
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