\'Economie des biens immat\'eriels - Economics of Intangible Goods


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We introduce a new economic system suited for Intangible Goods ({\sc ig}). We argue that such system can now be implemented in the real world using advance technics in distributed network computing and cryptography. The specification of the so called \net{} is presented. To Limit the number of financial transactions, the system is forced to define its own currency, with many benefits. The new "cup" currency, extended worldwide, is dedicated to {\sc ig}, available only for person-to-person trading, protected from speculation and adapted for tax recovery with no additional computation. Those nices features makes the \net{} a new democratic tool, fixing specific issues in {\sc ig} trading and reviving a whole domain activity. We emphasis on the fact that all proposed documentation, algorithm, program in any language related to this proposal shall be open-source without any possibility to post any patent of any sort on the system or subsystem. This new trading model should be considered as a pure intellectual construction, like parts of Mathematics and then belongs to nobody or everybody, like $1+1=2$. Next step will be to test, validate the security of various implementations details, and to ask for legal rules adaptations. The first draft paper is written in French language and posted to arXiv.org and hal.archive-ouverte.fr . We expect to provide an English translation before Christmas.
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