Biological Effects Of Anti-Cd34-Coated Eptfe Vascular Grafts. Early In Vivo Experimental Results


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Aim of the study: To assess the biological activity of anti-CD34 antibody-coated ePTFE vascular prostheses.Material and methods: Indium111-labeled autologous thrombocytes were administered to 5 anesthetized pigs after the placement of femoral arterial and venous catheters. An arterio-venous fistula, created by the random interposition of 4 different ePTFE grafts (A = dry control, B = dry anti-CD34, C = wet control, D = wet anti-CD34), was blood perfused for 0, 10, 30, 60 and 120 minutes. Radioactivity of each graft was measured and expressed in cpm/mg. Morphological studies were performed to assess intraluminal deposition.Results: The median radioactivity of graft B was significantly higher than that of graft A after 60 min (1074 vs. 18; p = 0.021) and 120 min (1990 vs. 25; p = 0.043) of perfusion. Similarly, graft D was significantly more active than graft C (60 min: 1388 vs. 26; p = 0.021 and 120 min: 2780 vs. 23; p = 0.021). Histological and SEM results confirmed the radio-labeling in-vivo studies by showing significantly more protein/cell and platelet depositions (p = 0.012).Conclusions: Anti-CD34-coated ePTFE grafts bound significantly more platelets/cells and proteins than their uncoated counterparts, confirming the bioactivity of the antibody. This process is time-dependent and matches the morphological results. The anti-CD34 coating may enhance temporal and spatial endothelialization of vascular grafts and, thus, possibly improve clinical results by providing direct endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) adhesion/entrapment or by creating a biocompatible protein-thrombocyte/cell layer that indirectly enhances migration and further proliferation of EPCs.
coated ePTFE, anti-CD34, vascular grafts, arterio-venous fistula, thrombus, platelets
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