Does the information currently available on the Internet affect the physician-patient relationship?

Elisa Quaresma Coelho,Augusto Quaresma Coelho, Jose Eduardo Dias Cardoso

Revista Bioética(2013)

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This article evaluates the impact of information available on the internet over the physician-patient relationship. The questionnaires were applied to 221 patients and 84 physicians followed by a descriptive data analysis. Patients with easy access to the internet and doctors who consult these people were included in the study. The research when done by the patient often resulted in better informed patients. A significant number of patients said they felt worried about having a false impression of having diseases described on the internet. Some have resorted to self-medication, modification of the prescription or even the exchange of the attending professional. Not infrequently there is damage to treatment and doctor-patient relationship due to information obtained by the patient and their understanding of them. At conclusion the “iatrogenic” potential of the internet is opposed to its ability to disseminate important information to the people. Certification of sites by regulatory authorities, improving information quality and reducing “iatrogenic”, associated with the guidance of doctors, could be useful to improve the doctor-patient relationship. Key words: Internet. Bioethics. Health. Information. Ethics. Physician-patient relationship. Resumo As informacoes medicas disponiveis na Internet podem afetar a relacao medico-paciente? Este artigo pretende avaliar o impacto, sobre a relacao medico-paciente, das informacoes disponiveis na inter net. Foram aplicados questionarios para 221 pacientes e 84 medicos, seguidos de analise descritiva dos dados, bem como incluidos pacientes com facil acesso a internet e medicos que os atendem. A pesquisa, feita pelo paciente, muitas vezes resultou em pacientes melhor informados. Relevante numero de pacientes se sentiu preocupado pela falsa impressao de portar males descritos na internet. Alguns recorreram a automedicacao, modificacao da prescricao medica ou, mesmo, a troca de profissional. Nao e infrequente ocorrer prejuizo ao tratamento e a relacao medico-paciente relacionado as informacoes obtidas e seu entendimento pelo paciente. Conclui-se que ao potencial “iatrogenico” da internet se contrapoe sua capacidade de difundir importantes informacoes a populacao. A certificacao de sites por entidade reguladora, gerando qualidade de informacao e menor “iatrogenia”, associada a orientacao, poderia ser util para aperfeicoar a relacao medico-paciente. Palavras-chave: Internet. Bioetica. Saude. Informacao. Etica. Relacao medico-paciente. Resumen ?Las informaciones medicas disponibles en la Internet pueden afectar la relacion medico-paciente?
Internet Health Information,Patient-Physician Relationships,Patient Participation,Physician Communication,Patient Engagement
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