clinical investigations in critical care A Circulating Myocardial Depressant Substance is Associated with Cardiac Dysfunction and Peripheral Hypoperfusion ( Lactic Acidemia ) in Patients with Septic Shock *


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Using spontaneously beating rat myocardial cells as an in vitro model of myocardial depression, recent studies demonstrated that septic shock patients’ sera frequently contain a myocardial depressant substance (MDS) that is associated with a reversible decrease in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). To further characterize MDS, 50 consecutive patients with possible septic shock were studied serially from shock onset until recovery or death. Thirtyfour patients had criteria diagnostic of septic shock, and 16 had a nonseptic critical illness. Of the 34, 14 met strict criteria for circulating MDS, with a mean inhibition of 35 percent (range 20 percent to 62 percent). Compared with those patients not exhibiting significant MDS activity, the 14 MDS-positive patients had a lower mean minimal EF (28 percent vs 39 percent, p更多
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