Reassignment Of A Rare Sense Codon To A Non-Canonical Amino Acid In Escherichia Coli


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The immutability of the genetic code has been challenged with the successful reassignment of the UAG stop codon to non-natural amino acids in Es-cherichia coli. In the present study, we demonstrated the in vivo reassignment of the AGG sense codon from arginine to L-homoarginine. As the first step, we engineered a novel variant of the archaeal pyrrolysyl-tRNA synthetase (PylRS) able to recognize L-homoarginine and L-N-6-(1-iminoethyl) lysine (L-NIL). When this PylRS variant or HarRS was expressed in E. coli, together with the AGG-reading tRNA(Pyl) CCU molecule, these arginine analogs were efficiently incorporated into proteins in response to AGG. Next, some or all of the AGG codons in the essential genes were eliminated by their synonymous replacements with other arginine codons, whereas the majority of the AGG codons remained in the genome. The bacterial host's ability to translate AGG into arginine was then restricted in a temperature-dependent manner. The temperature sensitivity caused by this restriction was rescued by the translation of AGG to L-homoarginine or L-NIL. The assignment of AGG to L-homoarginine in the cells was confirmed by mass spectrometric analyses. The results showed the feasibility of breaking the degeneracy of sense codons to enhance the amino-acid diversity in the genetic code.
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