Theory of solid-state thermal decomposition reactions

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry(2011)

引用 31|浏览3
A case is presented to recommend strongly that scientists interested in thermal chemistry should make comprehensive, conscientious, clinical and critical analyses of the strengths and weaknesses of The L’vov Thermochemical Theory (L’vov, Thermal decomposition of solids and melts—new thermochemical approach to the mechanism, kinetics and methodology, Springer, Berlin, 2007), used to interpret the kinetics and mechanisms of reactions that occur on heating. The shortcomings underlying the theory (some originally developed for solid decompositions) currently uncritically accepted in this field are reviewed, and these deficiencies are contrasted with the successes of L’vov’s approach. To promote the use of this alternative theory, features that may have discouraged researchers unfamiliar with its assumptions, methodology and applications are discussed here. A new scientific theory cannot be ignored or discounted without adequate consideration and testing, particularly in a stagnant area of chemistry that lacks guiding principles and unifying concepts. Novel ideas in the literature (L’vov 2007) deserve recognition, critical appraisal and, if possible, exploitation to maintain the progress of scientific research.
CDV mechanism,Solid state kinetics,Solid state mechanisms,Thermal analysis,Thermochemical kinetics
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