Intraseasonal oscillations in the global atmosphere. I - Northern Hemisphere and tropics

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences(1991)

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Oscillatory modes in the Northern Hemisphere and in the tropics were examined systematically. The 700 mb heights were used to analyze extratropical oscillations, and the outgoing longwave radiation to study tropical oscillations in convection. All datasets were band-pass filtered to focus on the intraseasonal (IS) band of 10-120 days. Leading spatial patterns of variability were obtained by applying empirical orthogonal function analysis to these IS data. The leading principal components were subjected to singular spectrum analysis. In the Northern Hemisphere, there are two important modes of oscillation with periods near 48 and 23 days, respectively. The 48-day mode is the most important of the two. It has both traveling and standing components, and is dominated by a zonal wavenumber two. The 23-day mode has the spatial structure and propagation properties described by Branstator and by Kushnir (1987). In the tropics, the 40-50 day oscillation documented by Madden and Julian (1972), Weickmann (1983), Lau, and their colleagues, dominates the Indian and Pacific oceans from 60 deg E to the date line. From 170 deg W to 90 deg W, however, a 24-28 day oscillation is equally strong. The extratropical modes are often independent of, and sometimes lead, the tropical modes.
time series,oscillations,band pass filter,atmospheric circulation,singular spectrum analysis,time series analysis,spectrum analysis,bandpass filters,spatial pattern,harmonic analysis,principal component,climate,time domain
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