Immunity against measles among healthcare personnel at the University Hospital Frankfurt, 2003-2013]


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Despite aiming for the elimination of measles by 2015, the current epidemiological situation in Germany shows that there is still insufficient vaccination coverage among the population. During the present pre-elimination period, nosocomial measles are gaining in importance. The purpose of our study was to determine the immune status of measles among healthcare personnel and medical students at the University Hospital Frankfurt. Moreover, the knowledge of study participants regarding the WHO's goal of the elimination of measles and the general attitude towards vaccination recommendations were investigated. A retrospective study of measles seroprevalence was conducted among healthcare personnel and students at the University Hospital Frankfurt with an observation period of 11 years. In spring 2014, medical students were asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire regarding vaccination status, knowledge of measles and acceptance of measles vaccination recommendations. In total, 9,933 serologies were evaluated and 85.7% of the participants had sufficient immunity against measles. Significant changes in immunity to measles over time were not observed. However, a significant difference in the immunity rate of participants born before 1970 and those born after1970 was found. Participants born before 1970 significantly more often showed sufficient immunity against measles compared to those born later (96.4 vs. 83.3 %, p < 0.0001). Almost 20 % of the medical students were not aware of their measles vaccination status and merely 70.7 % indicated that they had received two measles vaccinations. Furthermore, only 45.4 % of the medical students were familiar with the WHO's goal of eliminating measles by 2015; however 95 % could be classified as vaccination-supporters on the basis of the questionnaire. Overall, the immunity rate of measles determined by serology within the study population did not reach the WHO goal of a parts per thousand yenaEuro parts per thousand 95 %, and this gap was even greater in group of medical students. Despite the medical students' positive attitude towards vaccination guidelines, the awareness in this field awaits improvement.
Elimination,Vaccination,Measles,Healthcare personnel
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