Risk factors for hepatitis B and C infection among blood donors in five Chinese blood centers.


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BackgroundFew studies were conducted on hepatitis B and C virus (HBV and HCV, respectively) risk factors among Chinese blood donors in recent years since voluntary donors replaced commercial donors. Study Design and MethodsA case-control survey was conducted in HBV- or HCV-positive and -negative donors from five blood centers in China between September 2009 and April 2011. Case status was defined by having a reactive result on Monolisa HBsAg Ultra (Bio-Rad) for HBV and Ortho anti-HCV EIA 3.0 (Johnson & Johnson) for HCV. Controls were randomly selected qualified blood donors matched to cases by donation month and blood center. Specific test-seeking, medical-related, and behavioral risk factors were compared by HBV and HCV status using chi-square tests or Fisher's exact tests with Bonferroni correction. ResultsA total of 364 HBV cases, 174 HCV cases, and 689 controls completed the survey; response rates were 66.2, 47.3, and 82%, respectively. HCV-positive donors were significantly more likely to report having a blood transfusion history (23.4% vs. 3.0%, p<0.0001) and ever living with a person with illegal drug injection (6.0% vs. 0.5%, p<0.0001) than controls. Having intravenous and intramuscular injections in the past 12 months and ever having a tattoo are marginal risk factors for HCV (p values<0.01). No specific risk factor for HBV was identified. ConclusionHistory of previous transfusion and living with illegal drug users are risk factors for HCV infection among Chinese blood donors from five regions. Test-seeking behavior is not associated with HBV or HCV infections.
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