Clinical biomarkers of pulmonary carcinoid tumors in never smokers via profiling miRNA and target mRNA

Cell & bioscience(2014)

引用 15|浏览9
Background miRNAs play key regulatory roles in cellular pathological processes. We aimed to identify clinically meaningful biomarkers in pulmonary carcinoid tumors (PCTs), a member of neuroendocrine neoplasms, via profiling miRNAs and mRNAs. Results From the total of 1145 miRNAs, we obtained 16 and 17 miRNAs that showed positive and negative fold changes (FCs, tumors vs. normal tissues) in the top 1% differentially expressed miRNAs, respectively. We uncovered the target genes that were predicted by at least two prediction tools and overlapped by at least one-half of the top miRNAs, which yielded 44 genes (FC<-2) and 56 genes (FC>2), respectively. Higher expressions of CREB5 , PTPRB and COL4A3 predicted favorable disease free survival (Hazard ratio: 0.03, 0.19 and 0.36; P value: 0.03, 0.03 and 0.08). Additionally, 79 mutated genes have been found in nine PCTs where TP53 was the only repeated mutation. Conclusion We identified that the expressions of three genes have clinical implications in PCTs. The biological functions of these biomarkers warrant further studies.
carcinoid,survival,mrna,mirna,cell biology,biomedical research,microbiology,bioinformatics
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