PTGER4 modulating variants in Crohn’s disease

International journal of colorectal disease(2014)

引用 12|浏览2
Purpose Variants modulating expression of the prostaglandin receptor 4 (PTGER4) have been reported to be associated with Cohn’s disease (CD), but the clinical impact remains to be elucidated. We analyzed these variants in a large German inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cohort and searched for a potential phenotype association. Methods The variants rs4495224 and rs7720838 were studied in adult German IBD patients (CD, n = 475; ulcerative colitis (UC), n = 293) and healthy controls (HC, n = 467). Data were correlated to results from NOD2 genotyping and to clinical characteristics. Results We found a significant association for the rs7720838 variant with overrepresentation of the T allele to CD ( p = 0.0058; OR 0.7703, 95 % CI 0.641–0.926) but not to UC. Furthermore, logistic regression analysis revealed that the presence of the T allele was associated with stricturing disease behavior in CD patients ( p = 0.03; OR 1.84, 95 % CI 1.07–3.16). Interestingly, the chance for developing stricturing disease behavior was enhanced if mutant alleles in both rs7720838 and NOD2 were present (OR 2.87, 95 % CI 1.42–5.81; p = 0.003). No overall association to CD or UC was found for the rs4495224 variant. Conclusions The PTGER4 modulating variant rs7720838 increases susceptibility for CD and might resemble a risk factor for stricturing disease behavior.
Crohn’s disease, Inflammatory bowel disease, PTGER4, Stricturing disease behavior
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