Epithelial Membrane Protein-2 (EMP2) Activates Src Protein and Is a Novel Therapeutic Target for Glioblastoma

Journal of Biological Chemistry(2014)

引用 33|浏览7
Background: EMP2 is a tetraspan protein linked with aggressive disease. Results: EMP2 correlates with activated Src in patients with GBM. Using intracranial mouse models, EMP2 promotes tumor cell invasiveness. Antibodies to EMP2 reduce GBM tumor load. Conclusion: EMP2 is a novel therapeutic target in GBM. Significance: The clinical outcome for patients with GBM remains poor, and thus new targeted therapies are needed.Despite recent advances in molecular classification, surgery, radiotherapy, and targeted therapies, the clinical outcome of patients with malignant brain tumors remains extremely poor. In this study, we have identified the tetraspan protein epithelial membrane protein-2 (EMP2) as a potential target for glioblastoma (GBM) killing. EMP2 had low or undetectable expression in normal brain but was highly expressed in GBM as 95% of patients showed some expression of the protein. In GBM cells, EMP2 enhanced tumor growth in vivo in part by up-regulating v3 integrin surface expression, activating focal adhesion kinase and Src kinases, and promoting cell migration and invasion. Consistent with these findings, EMP2 expression significantly correlated with activated Src kinase in patient samples and promoted tumor cell invasion using intracranial mouse models. As a proof of principle to determine whether EMP2 could serve as a target for therapy, cells were treated using specific anti-EMP2 antibody reagents. These reagents were effective in killing GBM cells in vitro and in reducing tumor load in subcutaneous mouse models. These results support the role of EMP2 in the pathogenesis of GBM and suggest that anti-EMP2 treatment may be a novel therapeutic treatment.
Cell Invasion,Glioblastoma,Immunotherapy,Tetraspanins,Tumor Marker,EMP2
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