Sensory regeneration following intraoperatively verified trigeminal nerve injury.


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Objective: To follow recovery of sensory function mediated by both myelinated and unmyelinated axons in relation to the type of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury. Methods: The authors assessed the function of afferent Abeta-, Adelta-, and C-fibers of the IAN using neurophysiologic ( mental nerve blink reflex, sensory nerve conduction [NCS] of the IAN) and quantitative sensory tests (QST; cold, warm, heat pain, and tactile modalities). The tests were done 2 weeks, 1, 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively and compared to the preoperative baseline in 20 patients undergoing mandibular bilateral sagittal split osteotomy. Nineteen patients underwent intraoperative monitoring. Results: In primarily demyelinating injuries (21/40 nerves), the sensory alteration and all tests normalized on the group level within the first 3 months. After partial axonal lesions (15/40 nerves), neurophysiologic and thermal QST results remained abnormal at 1-year control in a high proportion of the IAN distributions (up to 67%). At 1 year, the tactile QST was abnormal in 40%, but the NCS in 87% of the symptomatic IAN distributions. Neuropathic pain occurred in 5% of the patients, only after severe axonal damage. Conclusions: Sensory nerve conduction and thermal quantitative sensory testing showed incomplete sensory regeneration at 1 year after axonal trigeminal nerve damage. Clinical examination with tactile quantitative sensory testing was less reliable in the follow-up of sensory recovery. Sensory Abeta-, Adelta-, and C-fibers recovered function at similar rates. The trigeminal nerve does not differ from other peripheral nerves as regards susceptibility to neuropathic pain.
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