The effects of increasing body mass index on heartburn severity, frequency and response to treatment with dexlansoprazole or lansoprazole.


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Background Higher body mass index (BMI) is a recognised risk factor for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Data regarding the impact of BMI on proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy are conflicting. Aim To assess the impact of BMI on baseline heartburn symptom severity and frequency and response to PPI therapy in patients with non-erosive GERD (NERD) or erosive oesophagitis (EO). Methods In post hoc analyses of phase 3 trial data, 621 NERD and 2692 EO patients were stratified by BMI (<25, 25 to <30 and 30kg/m2). NERD patients received either dexlansoprazole MR 30mg or placebo daily for 4weeks. EO patients received either dexlansoprazole MR 60mg or lansoprazole 30mg for 8weeks. Symptom frequency and severity were assessed at baseline and subsequently by daily diary. Results In both the NERD and EO cohorts, baseline heartburn severity increased with increasing BMI. The impact of PPI therapy on the reduction in heartburn symptom frequency and severity in both NERD and EO patients was similar across BMI categories. EO healing rates in patients treated with dexlansoprazole but not lansoprazole were higher in obese patients compared with those with a BMI <30kg/m2. Differences between the PPIs were small. Conclusions The PPIs evaluated in this study reduced the frequency and severity of 24-h heartburn regardless of baseline BMI. In addition, because patients with higher BMI have more severe symptoms at baseline, they may experience greater therapeutic gain with dexlansoprazole (NERD and erosive oesophagitis) and possibly lansoprazole (erosive oesophagitis) treatment.
severity of illness index,young adult,risk factors
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