Sociodemographic factors influence the risk for femur shaft fractures in children: a Swedish case-control study, 1997-2005.

Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992)(2013)

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To investigate how sociodemographic factors relate to the risk of femur shaft fractures in children and how the relationship differs by gender and age.Population-based case-control study. Swedish children (n = 1,874), 0-14 years of age, with a femur shaft fracture diagnostic code occurring between 1997 and 2005 were selected from the Swedish national inpatient register and compared with matched controls (n = 18,740). Demographic, socio-economic and injury data were based on record linkage between six Swedish registers.The risk of femur shaft fracture increased for children with younger parents or those living in low-income households. Having a parent with a university education reduced the risk. Stratifying for gender and age group, the association between parents' age was evident only for older boys (7-14 years of age) (OR = 1.40; 95% CI 1.04-1.45), and the association between living in low-income households and fracture rate was only seen in older girls (7-14 years) (OR = 1.50; 95% CI 1.01-2.22). Family composition, number of siblings, birth order or receiving social welfare did not influence the fracture risk.Sociodemographic variables influence the rate of femur shaft fractures, in older children the influence differs between boys and girls.
gender,household,socio-economic,sweden,trauma,socio economic
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