Osmotherapy in brain edema: a questionable therapy.


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Despite the fact that it has been used since the 1960s in diseases associated with brain edema and has been investigated in > 150 publications on head injury, very little has been published on the outcome of osmotherapy. We can only speculate whether osmotherapy improves outcome, has no effect on outcome, or leads to worse outcome. Here we describe the action and potentially beneficial and adverse effects of the 2 most commonly used osmotic solutions, mannitol and hypertonic saline, and present some critical aspects of their use. There is a well-documented transient intracranial pressure (ICP)-reducing effect of osmotherapy, but an adverse rebound increase in ICP after its withdrawal has been discussed extensively in the literature and is an expected pathophysiological phenomenon. From side effects related to renal and pulmonary failure, electrolyte disturbances, and a rebound increase in ICP, osmotherapy can be negative for outcome, which may explain why we lack scientific support for its use. These drawbacks, and the fact that the most recent Cochrane meta-analyses of osmotherapy in brain edema and stroke could not find any beneficial effects on outcome, make routine use of osmotherapy in brain edema doubtful. Nevertheless, the use of osmotherapy as a temporary measure may be justified to acutely prevent brain stem compression until other measures, such as evacuation of space-occupying lesions or decompressive craniotomy, can be performed. This article is the Con part in a Pro-Con debate in the present journal on the general routine use of osmotherapy in brain edema.
brain edema,mannitol,hypertonic saline,osmotherapy,rebound phenomenon,renal failure,traumatic brain injury
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