An epidemiological study on Opisthorchis viverrini infection in Lao villages.

Jun Kobayashi, B Vannachone, Yoshiya Sato,Khemphavanh Manivong, Simone Nambanya,Souliya Inthakone,Lao Pdr

The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health(2000)

引用 61|浏览2
The prevalence of liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini, infection in rural and urban communities was studied in Khammouane Province in Lao PDR. The infection was the commonest among the villagers examined, showing the positive rates of 52.9% and 55.0% in two rural communities and 60.7% in an urban community, respectively. The infection rate reached up to 20% or more within 4 years after birth and increased with age to a plateau in the age group over 20 years. The highest prevalence rate was over 80% in the age group of 35-54 years. The age-related patterns of infection in males and females were almost the same, although there were some sex-related differences by village and by age group. Infection with Opisthorchis viverrini appears to be a serious public health problem strongly associated with the frequent eating habit of raw fish in low land Laos.
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