The nonpharmacological treatment of tachyarrhythmias. The surgery of supraventricular arrhythmias not due to pre-excitation]

M Viganò,A Graffigna, F Pagani, J A Salerno

Cardiologia (Rome, Italy)(1991)

引用 23|浏览1
Surgery can provide treatment for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias without operative risk and with a definite improvement of patients' quality of life. Ectopic atrial tachycardia is a rare but invalidating arrhythmia that may lead to cardiomyopathy: intraoperative mapping is necessary for the location of the location of the ectopic focus; in our experience, surgical, cryothermal or isolation ablation of the area were effective in 9 patients out of 9, with regression of the cardiomyopathy. Atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia is a reentry tachycardia which is often associated with Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and is amenable to surgical treatment. Discrete cryolesions around the Koch triangle are effective in interrupting the atrial inputs to the atrioventricular node and therefore the reentry mechanism: in our experience, 7 patients were successfully treated without operative mortality: 3 patients underwent surgical ablation of Kent bundles as well. Atrial fibrillation is not based on a well-defined mechanism, and therefore does not permit an electrically-guided surgical treatment. However, in case of atrial septal defect it is possible to isolate the enlarged right atrium in order to allow sinus rhythm to activate the left atrium and ventricles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
supraventricular tachyarrhythmias,nonpharmacological treatment,pre-excitation]
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