Hysterosonographic study of the uterine cavity]

R C Rudigoz, B Salle, J M Piacenza, P de Saint-Hilaire,P Gaucherand

Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction(1995)

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Evaluate the reliability, safety and performance of hysterosonographic assessment of the uterine cavity.Hysterosonography was performed in 220 patients with injection of sterile saline into the uterine with a novel catheter. Among these patients, 132 patients then underwent a hysteroscopy or hysterectomy with a histology examination.There were 8 failures: 2 synechiae, 3 atresias of the cervix, and massive reflux in 3 cases. No other complication occurring. Hysterosonography appeared to give more information on the uterine cavity than standard vaginal sonography. In cases with metrorrhage before menopause, the diagnosis was correct in 75.4% of the cases. Errors were related to confusion between polyp and hyperplasia. In post-menopausal metrorrhagia, there was 92% agreement between sonography and histological results. Agreement was 86.3% in cases of infertility.Hysterosonography using saline solution injected with a novel catheter can be an excellent means of evaluating the uterine cavity and can completely replace classical hysterography, thus avoiding many exploratory hysterocopies.
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