The remote attestation design based on the identity and attribute certificates

Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing(2014)

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In order to solve the problem of trusted authentication between terminals, as well as terminals and the server, and to establish a safe and reliable network environment, a remote attestation scheme design based on the identity and attribute certificates is proposed. Through a third-party certification body, which authenticates the identity and attributes of the Trusted Platform, this design ensures transitive trust between the platform and the server. Analysis results show that the design on the basis of the property-based remote attestation makes an increase of platform-based identity authentication. With the method of double certified, the reliability and privacy of the user's platform, as well as the security and confidentiality of the data during the certification process are ensured. This can enhance the credibility and security of the system between user platforms and servers.
trusted computing,attribute certificates,certification process,identity certificates,reliable network environment,remote attestation scheme design,trusted authentication,trusted platform,attribute certificate,identity certificate,integrity measurement,remote attestation,servers,certification,authentication,measurement,public key
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