Vuzik: the effect of large gesture interaction on children's creative musical expression.

OzCHI '14: Proceedings of the 26th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference on Designing Futures: the Future of Design(2014)

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Bringing the body more fully into interaction has attracted attention as research now looks to combines body, mind, cognition and emotion when people interact with a digital environment. This paper describes a user study comparing Vuzik -- an application where the user manipulates, arranges, and composes music with painting interaction akin to that used when standing at an easel, to a traditional, GUI based musical interface. Vuzik aims to promote creative musical experiences in children by allowing the child's actions and movements as he/she paints on a large display resembling a canvas using a palette and brush or finger to control musical parameters interactively. In a study conducted with fourteen elementary school children, we found that when compared to a more WIMP-based traditional tool, Vuzik promoted larger scale gestures, ease of learning, and the formation of a broader overall understanding of their musical creation.
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