The JNK-like MAPK KGB-1 of Caenorhabditis elegans promotes reproduction, lifespan, and gene expressions for protein biosynthesis and germline homeostasis but interferes with hyperosmotic stress tolerance.


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Aims: This study focused on the role of the JNK-like MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) KGB-1 (kinase, GLH-binding 1) for osmoprotection and other vital functions. Methods: We mapped KGB-1 expression patterns and determined lifespan, reproduction and survival rates as well as changes in body volume, motility, and GPDH (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) activity for glycerol production in wildtype (WT), different signaling mutants (including a kgb-1 deletion mutant, kgb-1 Delta) and RNAi-treated worms under control and hyperosmotic conditions. KGB-1-mediated gene expressions were studied, for instance, by RNA Sequencing, with the resulting transcriptome data analyzed using orthology-based approaches. Results: Surprisingly, mutation/RNAi of kgb-1 and fos-1 (gene for an AP-1, activator protein 1, element) significantly promoted hyperosmotic resistance, even though hyperosmotic GPDH activity was higher in WT than in kgb-1 Delta. KGB-1 and moderate hyperosmolarity promoted and severe hyperosmolarity repressed kgb-1, fos-1, and jun-1 (gene for another AP-1 element) expression. Transcriptome profiling revealed, for instance, down-regulated genes for protein biosynthesis and up-regulated genes for membrane transporters in kgb-1 Delta and up-regulated genes for GPDH-1 or detoxification in WT, with the latter indicating cellular damage and less effective osmoprotection in WT. Conclusion: KGB-1 promotes reproduction and lifespan and fosters gene expressions for AP-1 elements, protein biosynthesis, and balanced gametogenesis, but inhibits expressions for membrane transporters perhaps in order to control energy consumption. Reduced protein biosyntheses and enhanced membrane transports in kgb-1 Delta most likely contribute to the high hyperosmotic tolerance of the mutant by easing the burden of the existing chaperone machinery and promoting regulatory volume increases upon hyperosmotic stress. Copyright (C) 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel
Activator protein 1,Chaperone,FOS,Insulin/IGF receptor ortholog,JUN,Regulatory volume increase,Sperm,Target of rapamycin (TOR)
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