Methane-fed microbial microcosms show differential community dynamics and pinpoint taxa involved in communal response


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We report observations on the dynamics of bacterial communities in response to methane stimulus in laboratory microcosm incubations prepared with lake sediment samples. We first measured taxonomic compositions of long-term enrichment cultures and determined that, although dominated by Methylococcaceae types, these cultures also contained accompanying types belonging to a limited number of bacterial taxa, methylotrophs and non-methylotrophs. We then followed the short-term community dynamics, in two oxygen tension regimens (150 μ M and 15 μ M ), observing rapid loss of species diversity. In all microcosms, a single type of Methylobacter represented the major methane-oxidizing partner. The accompanying members of the communities revealed different trajectories in response to different oxygen tensions, with Methylotenera species being the early responders to methane stimulus under both conditions. The communities in both conditions were convergent in terms of their assemblage, suggesting selection for specific taxa. Our results support prior observations from metagenomics on distribution of carbon from methane among diverse bacterial populations and further suggest that communities are likely responsible for methane cycling, rather than a single type of microbe.
ISME J, microbial ecology, ecosystems, microorganisms, environmental biotechnology, microbial communities, ecophysiology, microbe interactions, microbial genomics, microbial epidemiology, microbial engineering, geomicrobiology
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