Safety Enhancement and Carbon Dioxide ( C O 2 ) reduction in VANETs

Mobile Networks and Applications(2015)

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Nowadays one of the hottest theme is the application of the newest technologies in road safety. Several proposals have been made and both US and European standardization institutes are working on them. In this work we present a novel cooperative architecture that allows vehicles to communicate between them exploiting Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I) connections. In order to spread information we propose a network protocol called Safety Enhancement for WAVE based protocol (SeAWave) that takes advantages of IEEE802.11p standard and tries to enhance it adding useful messages increasing vehicles’ passive and active safety systems. In this work we propose a novel protocol in order to gather important data about environment such as collisions, block, emission levels and so on. These data are collected by the City Traffic Manager (CTM) exploiting dedicated messages sent by the vehicle and infrastructure devices. They are used by the system to activate alerting mechanism using protocol messages in a controlled broadcasting. In addiction, CTM knowing the whole status of the road network can avoid traffic blocks making some high level decisions. Also a smart traffic management system is addressed in the proposed framework in order to reduce vehicles’ C O 2 emissions in the urban area increasing, where possible, air quality. In order to validate proposed framework and protocol we use a well know Discrete-Event Simulator (DES) simulator with a dynamic mobility generator that allow us to change and control reference areas, area size, and loads rate.
Road safety,VANET,IEEE 802.11p,WSMP,Traffic management,Data dissemination
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