PIXE analysis on mid term fetal tissues for five cities in China

He Jishu/Nuclear Techniques(1994)

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The liver, brain, kidney, lung and stomach tissues of about fifty abortive fetuses (5-6 months old) from five cities in China at the period of 1985-1986 were analysed on 12 elements by PIXE method. The results show that the contents of Ca in five organs for Guangzhou Fetuses are significantly lower than those for other regions' fetuses (P<0.01), and the contents of Rb in five organs for Kunming fetuses have a higher level than those for other regions' fetuses (P<0.01), while the contents of Pb in most organs for Shanghai fetuses are significantly higher than those for other regions' (P<0.01). A comparison of the Pb data between fetal elemental spectra and aerosol analysis for different regions reveals a positive interrelation, which may suggest that the data of fetal elemental spectra can indicate the environmental change. In comparison between the fetal elemental spectra data and the regulating cancer-death-rate data, a positive relation for Pb contents and a negative relation for Rb contents can be found, which may support the theory that Pb seems carcinogenic and Rb anticancerous.
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