Key technologies research of MEMS pressure sensor for fuze

Applied Mechanics and Materials(2014)

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MEMS technology has been widely used in military industry, in order to further expand the scope of the MEMS pressure sensor applications in military industry, to make fuze development toward miniaturization and intelligent, do the study on special fuze MEMS pressure sensor. Environment of MEMS pressure sensor application in fuze is analyzed, consist service treatment environment and using environment, which can provide indicators for the development of the sensor. The paper analyzes several key technology of the fuze MEMS pressure sensor, including the technique of high temperature resistant, acceleration compensation, leadless, high frequency resistant and overload resistant and so on. To sum up, the continuous development of MEMS technology can make its products meet the use environment of fuze, and the development trend of the fuze also needs the support of MEMS technology, so it is necessary and feasible to carry out the research of the fuze MEMS pressure sensor.
MEMS,pressure sensor,fuze,high temperature,overload,acceleration effect
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