Cerebrospinal fluid biochemistry reflects effects of therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest in a porcine model.

The American Journal of Emergency Medicine(2012)

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Background: Mild induced hypothermia (MIH) is recommended to treat neurologic injury after cardiac arrest (CA). However, clinical trials to assess MIH benefit after CA have been largely inconclusive. We investigated the subsequent changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biochemistry after MIH (33 degrees C-34 degrees C for 12 hours) and evaluated the importance of ongoing fever control. Methods: Thirty-two male Wuzhishan inbred mini pigs (n = 16/group) underwent ventricular fibrillation followed by cardiopulmonary resuscitation and were randomized into 2 groups: hypothermic and control. Upon resumption of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from CA, the hypothermic group was treated with MIH by endovascular cooling. The control group received no temperature intervention. Core temperatures were continually monitored. At various points throughout the procedure, CSF samples were obtained to measure glutamate, lactate, and pyruvate levels. Results: The core temperature of the hypothermic group was found to have increased postrewarming and reached levels comparable with those of the control group at ROSC 72 hours. In both groups, glutamate increased significantly after ROSC, but the glutamate levels in the hypothermic group were lower than those in the control group, except at ROSC 1 hour. The lactate-pyruvate ratio increased in the control group at ROSC 1 hour and was significantly lower in the hypothermic group (P < .05). Conclusions: Mild induced hypothermia mitigated and delayed the CA-induced increase of CSF glutamate. Therefore, our results suggest that clinically inducing hypothermia as soon as possible after CA, or prolonging the time of MIH in combination with controlling ongoing fever, may enhance hypothermic protective effects. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
therapeutic hypothermia,cerebrospinal fluid biochemistry,cardiac arrest,porcine model
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