Researches on Ontology-based Technical Lexicons for Specialty Machine Translation

Journal of Chinese Information Processing(2007)

引用 22|浏览4
In the design and implementation of specialty machine translation systems,a crucial concern is the efficient organization of domain-specific technical terms and the intelligent selection of terminological meanings on the basis of the text being processed.This paper begins with an analysis of some problems ubiquitous in technical lexicons for specialty MT systems and a brief introduction to the features of ontology-based domain-specific conceptual systems.Some important aspects of specialty MT-oriented technical lexicons are then studied,including the design of general-purpose specialty ontology,the description of technical terms and their mapping to specialty ontology,the organization and application of bilingual or multilingual MT domain-specific lexicons.Last,the paper presents some of the experimental work,covering the design of a draft MT-oriented specialty classification system,the mapping from technical lexicons to specialty classification system,and the mapping from ICS(International Classification System) to the MT specialty classification system.The results of the mapping experiments prove that the classification system conducted by the paper has a desirable coverage over MT technical lexicons.
artificial intelligence,specialty machine translation,technical lexicon,ontology
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