Modeling for military system by weighted complex networks.


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Hierarchy of military systems is developing to network structure. For seeking laws of warfare in information age, this article improved the simple approach of using Lanchester equations set to determine combating capability, and introduced complex network theory to the research of military forces SoSs. We introduced the concept of weighted complex networks to research the modeling of military systems. With using link weight to characterize the interaction between nodes it is clear that link weight of each side will keep changing along with the evolution of the network structure. Starting from critical features of military systems, this paper simulated the attendance and destruction of combating units, also the generation and disappearance of cooperative relationship, and abstract an evolving model based on the interacting and non-linear priority growth of new nodes and internal edges which substitutes the real system and the dynamic development. In accordance with rules in the model, we simulated the establishment of military systems by MATLAB, and analyzed its properties. In conclusion, the clustering coefficient, average path length and efficiency are according to power-law obviously. Finally, military system may have a fractal structure according to the self-similarity reflected by power-law nature of the model. © 2010 IEEE.
mathematical model,information age,automation,automatic control,power law,average path length,complex network,clustering coefficient,complex networks
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