Evaluation multicritère de la durabilité agro-environnementale de systèmes de polyculture élevage laitiers biologiques


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Mots clefs : Prototypage, expérimentation système, polyculture élevage, systèmes autonomes. Abstract: Assessing the agro-environmental sustainability of organic mixed-crop dairy systems on the basis of a multivariate approach. Sustainable development calls upon the farming sector to commit itself to the transmission of natural resources to future generations. The INRA research team of Mirecourt studies the design of environmentally-friendly farming systems. The design of these systems is based on a multitude of objectives, and their evaluation is determined by a wide range of criteria. This work aims at determining the practical conditions for implementing agricultural systems considered to be sustainable from an environmental point of view. Two organic dairy systems considered to be environmentally friendly ex ante have been designed in partnership with the staff of the INRA research team of Mirecourt. A grazing dairy system and a mixed-crop dairy system are being experimentally tested at the system scale. The two systems have environmental and agricultural objectives. They are managed using multi-objective decision rules and are assessed on their biotechnical and practical properties, using a structured multi- year experimental design, completed by a model-based assessment. Assessment is oriented towards progressive and permanent re-designing of the systems in order to increase their environmental
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